From the start to Alder's
In these lines
dedicated to the band by one member of “L’Estate di San Martino” there
is a large part of the history of the group, born in Perugia in 1975,
needless to say, in one of those garages as often used to happen
in those times, in a small and beautiful part of the world called
Umbria. A region which, in the glossy and slightly worn-out tourist
brochures, is described as the Green Heart of Italy. In spite of its
central position, it continues to be proudly isolated. This is obviously
not always a positive or even desirable factor; but the fact remains
that here strong roots grow deep. And they can remain a long time,
despite everything. Over the years “L’Estate di San Martino” has
witnessed the coming and going of a long line of musicians. In some
particularly “cold” seasons it has lost important branches, fundamental
at times. But in the end it has continued to find new lymph, thanks
precisely to the humus that in the meantime it was able to generate.
The prime root
history, like all the histories of those bands coming from afar, could
be a long one. Too long. In a nutshell the original core of “L’Estate di
San Martino” was formed to give musical support to a theatrical piece
entitled “Alete”, written by Giuseppe Petrazzini who was also the
group’s founder, at that time made up of Marco Pentiricci (acoustic
guitar, recorder), Marco Vagni (bass guitar), Sergio Spennacchioli (drums).
Still in 1975 one of the actors from “Alete”, Riccardo Regi and his
12-stringed guitar, joined the band which then became “L’Estate di San
Martino”. A little later Guglielmo Balucani, graphic designer by
profession and drummer as passion, joined the group and created the
group’s logo.
The promo disk
The first single
came out in 1978. The band took part in a national competition organised
by the independent radio stations of the time, together with the
prestigious Italian record company RCA. The listeners voted for their
favourite artists and “L’Estate di San Martino” was chosen to represent
Umbria in the final of the competition held in Capri in the summer of
the same year. The original song performed was “The Child and the Hero”
which subsequently became a promotional single.
The new "branches"
From 1979 “Stories”,
an acoustic work with lyrics and music composed mainly by Giuseppe
Petrazzini and Marco Pentiricci, was performed in various venues in
Umbria and the Marche. From then on the band
to lose “branches” and to produce new ones. Balucani left and Sergio
Servadio replaced him on drums: he was destined
to became one of the
pillars of the new formation that was soon to be created. In 1980 in
fact, only four months after the arrival of the new drummer, Giuseppe
Petrazzini and Marco Vagni left. Important departures. But the others
decided to carry on. And with the addition of the new bass player
Massimo Baracchi, Luca Castellani on electric guitar (which for the
first time made an entrance in the sound of L’Estate), and above all
with Stefano Tofi on keyboard, an artistic revolution took place, which
allowed ESM to survive even after the departure of Sergio Spennacchioli
and Antonio Abbozzo, who in the meantime had replaced Baracchi on bass
guitar. New branches therefore, for that tree of ideas from which Alder
would take shape.
Vocoder: Alder's Voice
Having found a new
bass player in Mauro Formica, Adolfo Broegg joined in almost
simultaneously to replace Luca Castellani: two braches freshly spliced
together which produced extremely vital lymph for the band. With this,
in the spring of 1982 the
of Alder began. A conceptual project in which the central figure was a
fisherman, Alder, who made an imaginary journey towards Knowledge.
Artistically speaking, as in the best progressive tradition, everything
began with a sound: that of the vocoder. To this raucous, lonely,
distant synthetic voice which repeated itself as a deaf echo, was added
the melancholic arpeggios of the 12-stringed guitar. For those who would
like to find this primordial musical Big Bang, it is piece called “The
Vortex”. Basically Alder represented the most mature phase in the
history of the band, especially in terms of the musical growth of the
earlier members and the talent of the new musicians who had became part
of the group. This LP is born of two of the live concerts on 15 and 16
December 1983 at the Zenith Theatre in Perugia, which brought Alder to
the attention of a select public. Paradoxically this phase coincided
with the temporary end of the group which was then formed again ten
years later to work on another project: Febo. An idea which in spite of
a long, careful and fertile creative period which lasted five long
months, was delivered and aborted without ever being performed in
In memoriam: dedicate to
Adolfo Broegg
You will find in
this album a piece which doesn’t belong to Alder. It’s a bonus track,
dedicated by “L’Estate di San Martino” to a friend: Adolfo Broeg. A
musician of immense intelligence, taste and real talent, a researcher
and scholar of medieval music, internationally renowned for having been
the founder of the Micrologus Ensemble, Adolfo Broegg died suddenly at
dawn on 23 April 2006. Everything happened precisely at the time when
in the previous spring the group was coming together again to do a
master recording of Alder in order to go forward with that old idea,
even if it had been largely revised and emended: Febo. Btf approved the
inclusion of a track which was an integral part of Febo: “In memoriam”.
Broegg had written the parts for classical and electric guitar. It is a
testimony dating back to 1993, recorded live in the very same place
where “L’Estate di San Martino” had decided to come back together ten
years after having supposedly stopped playing. More than just a piece of
music - “In Memoriam” incarnates an idea. The umpteenth .Which may
perhaps draw strength from the roots of the tree of a sun which wishes
to shine precisely in its most desolate and painful autumn.